Saturday, December 25, 2010
This one's a Christmas special... Why? Because I can, that's why?
Yep It's a Wonderful Life. The movie that is, my life is wonderful too but that's another story. I loved that movie. How I saw it since I abruptly left to leave for Florida, is another story too. (I'm starting to see a pattern here). It was so interesting I couldn't stop watching it. Even when everything was crashing around George when the uncle lost the $8,000, I still wanted to see how everything ended. I think this was the movie that started the whole plot where someone wishes they weren't born and see how it actually would be. That part was one of my favorites because slowly George started to see his influence over the town. When he returned and everyone started to hand out money I thought "You lost Potter", I really disliked the guy, he was a complete for the lack of a better term, asshole because all he did was complain and siphon money off from the poor. George was the opposite, an altruistic man who had ideals but put his people first because he wanted to live out his father's dream. It made me think of my life, and however how short and brief it may be compared to others, I want to make a difference in someone's life, anyone's life. Because right now STAC is making a difference in my life because I found a bunch of more reasons to fight for something rather than just sitting in a corner and counting down the seconds. It's a Wonderful Life I tell you, so don't waste it and just because you're not an angel doesn't mean you can't grow wings of your own. Be seeing you when we come back!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I am too emotional to be thinking of any witty title
Might I say that today was the most emotional day of STAC in my entire three month career. I was about to cry. You could smell the love in the air and I tried so hard not to hug every single person to death. I was raised in a very small family with very few members who actually cared about me (I love my Grandma though, she's the best). So today I became open to the fact that everyone here is like family and that we love each other no matter what and it hit me like a train and while on that train another one coming in the opposite direction pincer attacked me and then I became sandwiched between the two of them. But all in a good way. I felt a rush of happiness whenever I put up a tag talking about my feelings because they are all true and I have nothing to hide from you guys. I am glad that today was my last day in STAC for 2010 and I hope that you all reflect upon today and see the love that I have for all of you. Now if you excuse me I have packing to do. Be seeing you!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Love me before X-day, My wildest Nightmare!
Today was so much fun (even though my hands did smell of sweat) I think we should do it more often. Maybe once every other week please? I liked the stories but I liked the poses we did at the end and had to make them say a line and follow it up. I however did not like the sitting/standing/chair routine and thought it to be difficult. But other than that today was really fun. If we did something like this for STAC Live I think it would be awesome so I really hope to do this again after we finish with all of our crazy commercials which all seem awesome by the way. Be seeing you! (It feels like we haven't seen a Prisoner in a while)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
If STAC is a cult then I'm a golden winged angel who spreads love and virtue throughout the world. So it definitely isn't
On Monday when I went to psychology class 6th period we were learning about cults and cult mentality. And when she pulled up a list of words that students in her previous class associated with cults STAC was among them. I was infuriated at this and demanded her to delete it off her board. She was perplexed, my friend who was next to me laughed and told me to stop, since he is one of the ignorant people who think STAC is a cult. We learned about the six foundations that make a cult and none of them match. I saw her after school and we had a 20 minute discussion on why STAC is not a cult and went over the six foundations one by one.
Physical Isolation: We're not in a compound or secluded forest, we are right in school in a room that is frequently used, and teachers who are going to their cars. And during our assignments we are running around everywhere. IN CLEAR FREAKIN' VIEW.
Deindividuation: Oh come on, are you kidding me? We aspire to be individuals, we don't wear the exact same clothes or share the exact same views, we are all different. There are no two STACies who are alike, even siblings.
Group Leader: No offense Luke but you are not exactly a prophetic messiah/immortal here to cleanse us of our sins. You are here to teach us and you are doing a great job at that. We don't praise you each time we see you, we may respect you but that's because you are our teacher.
Recruitment: Maybe we have that, but not like cults. We don't take in the weak-willed, we take in the "screw the rules we have talent" kids who will make a good contribution to STAC through the audition process. So once again we are not cult-like.
Core believers: 29 hand picked kids out of exactly 1,496 students. Not exactly a church congregation. I believe that is enough said.
Promised Land: Do I even need to explain this one. Do we believe that the apocalypse will come and we will be the only ones who will be saved or that we will go to paradise? No, being in the arts requires sacrifice like the alumni told us at Feast.
Let's count that up... Ummmm 0 out of 6 foundations. Let's see where that gets us... OH YAH WE'RE NOT A CULT! Be seeing you
Physical Isolation: We're not in a compound or secluded forest, we are right in school in a room that is frequently used, and teachers who are going to their cars. And during our assignments we are running around everywhere. IN CLEAR FREAKIN' VIEW.
Deindividuation: Oh come on, are you kidding me? We aspire to be individuals, we don't wear the exact same clothes or share the exact same views, we are all different. There are no two STACies who are alike, even siblings.
Group Leader: No offense Luke but you are not exactly a prophetic messiah/immortal here to cleanse us of our sins. You are here to teach us and you are doing a great job at that. We don't praise you each time we see you, we may respect you but that's because you are our teacher.
Recruitment: Maybe we have that, but not like cults. We don't take in the weak-willed, we take in the "screw the rules we have talent" kids who will make a good contribution to STAC through the audition process. So once again we are not cult-like.
Core believers: 29 hand picked kids out of exactly 1,496 students. Not exactly a church congregation. I believe that is enough said.
Promised Land: Do I even need to explain this one. Do we believe that the apocalypse will come and we will be the only ones who will be saved or that we will go to paradise? No, being in the arts requires sacrifice like the alumni told us at Feast.
Let's count that up... Ummmm 0 out of 6 foundations. Let's see where that gets us... OH YAH WE'RE NOT A CULT! Be seeing you
Monday, November 22, 2010
Could it be that the bloody edge cries for forgiveness during the night?
The Pretenders are really really good! (No sarcasm included). If we pull this off, it will be amazing, including the hip-hop choreography. I can't wait to get started on this. I can't believe a quarter just ended. It's gone so fast even though we have STAC for two hours and fifteen minutes each day. I hope we do more projects like this throughout the year. It seems very fun. I have been thinking non-stop about a slogan for STAC but I always stop dead because STAC isn't something you can put in words, maybe that should be the slogan "STAC - you can't put it in words" but that's quite dull. *sigh*. So I'm stuck here thinking. And of course there are the daily practices. I feel like doing short writing pieces spanning genres based on my mood that day. It will help me expand my repertoire of writing since I'm mostly a fantasy writer and I hope to get your input on it. Be seeing you! (I miss the Prisoner, feels so long since we watched McGoohan.)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
This post is too serious for a stupid title
What is a STACie? Is it a sociopathic zombie whose only desire is to get his "creative incentive" from the use of drugs? Is it someone who only feels complete being in a "cult?" Is it someone who is not "heterosexual" and is thus not accepted by society? Who thought of these conceptions? I really want to meet them and see how they act and then falsely make assumptions of them because this is exactly what they're doing. They're making accusations on us based on no evidence. Without a common frame of reference, how can they know what STACies do? Yes we do the arts, but does that make us artsy-fartsy? I heavily doubt this. The arts is everything around them from the color of the walls in their bedroom to the clothes they wear on their back. And because we rather sing and act rather than play football or other sports (no offense to those on sports teams), does it make us "sissies" and faggots?" No, that is not true. Because there is one thing that they don't count as an art. Yep that's right, martial-ARTS. As a practitioner of nine martial-arts I have learned that each one is a form of self-expression that is used to protect others that are weaker than them and learn to befriend an enemy, so does that make me weak? No, that's ridiculous. STAC is not a cult, it is a unified family who all love the arts, a cult is a group of social outcasts who believe in a fantastical being that will grant their wishes. STACies learn about the arts, large difference since the arts is reality. I love STAC and I love its STACies and it was stupid of me to wait till Senior year to join. I do regret my decision and hope to make the best of my time now. I hope you all agree with me and know that I love you all like members of my own family and I will never turn my back on any of you.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A broken heart can lead to broken shells
It seems like I've forgotten a week. Well the quarter is ending and the work is piling up in all subjects including STAC. The race is on to finish the work. But I'm actually having fun with this, I've never had so much fun with an end of the quarter project. My artwork project is personal and it drives me to want to complete it. The Metropolis script is interesting which makes it all the more enjoyable. I can't wait to finish it all so until next time. Be seeing you!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A Halloween special: Can I be a space-ninja-cowboy-robot-zombie-from-the-future too?
Tell No one looked like an extremely good film. I regret not seeing the first 2 minutes of it, it was that great. I thought I missed like 20 minutes, it was just that intriguing. I loved how Bruno shot the ground a bunch of times and then sat down and told the cops to run one way. I can't wait to finish it. I also loved our little dance party, dancing is a powerful form of self-expression and everyone who danced looked way too happy to be legal. And now a part of me will forever be on the STAC room floor. I just loved it and I hope we can do something like that little dance shenanigan again. Be seeing you!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Squirrels, Dogs and Swans oh my?
I have to say that was one of the greatest things I ever saw. The ballet that is. I loved how the dancers made their arms move like swan wings and the story was clear and understandable. It was about a prince who sought human contact and his mother, the only person who he wanted attention from wouldn't give him the time of day, she wouldn't allow him to touch her. Her life with him was only in public with the countless civilians looking at them, if there wasn't anyone else, she couldn't care less. When he finally makes contact with a young lady (by the way I totally did not see that cell phone bit coming) she turns out to be a prostitute, or at least a floozy. The prince then becomes depressed and sees the swans dance and suddenly he is not a prince or even a pauper, he is equal to the swans and he suddenly regains his confidence. However at the royal ball he is completely emasculated by this mysterious man (who I thought was the swan king because he drew a black line on his face) and then spirals down the path to insanity. He then dies from the loneliness welling up inside him and he is reunited with his psyche, his inner self, the Swan King who was devoured by the Swans who seemingly became vultures. I just loved this trip and I will never get this ballet out of my head. I can't wait for the next trip.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
If I'm not going to blow my top will you?
Be kind rewind films. I only have one word for them. HILARIOUS. I just loved creating them. With all the running around the school in costume and saying ridiculous lines in order to entertain ourselves and others is always a wonderful experience. I loved the ideas that came out of the other groups, especially the Man on Top and Mordechai Christ films. We looked so strange filming random things, we even commandeered a girl's bathroom for one of our scenes. This was just a lovely experience and I really want to do it again to see what other over the top ideas we have. So I hope you enjoyed our film I thought it was fabulous (my favorite word in the film, I always included it in every sentence any chance I got). And I think the idea of a youtube channel is very intriguing and I'm all for it and I wouldn't be embarrassed about it. I can't wait for the trip on Friday. Be seeing you
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The former ogre meets the fiery transfer student
just to make sure I'll have my film review on my blog. :)
My film review - To Sir, With Love
In a British High school, during the times of the South African apartheid, teeming with misfits and rejects, an aspiring engineer and teacher Mark Thakeray (Sidney Poitier) will rise to the occasion and bring insight to the future amongst his troubled students. This drama film directed by James Clavell will cleverly draw you into the world of a lower classed English High School and how everything is not set in stone and how one even in the midst of adversity can escape their fate and become someone.
This movie had truly moved me. Being raised in a upper middle class family I did not know the difficulties of poverty and all the troubles that accompanied it. All the characters were all real and believable rather than cookie-cutter high schoolers, you felt their pain, anguish, sadness and even their joy, humor and elation. From the very beginning the film drags you into it without mercy and keeps your eyes peeled to the screen. There is no point where you want to leave because even if you miss one second you will regret it. It was an extraordinarily made film that deserves the highest praise for its genre.
Mark Thakeray is an African man born in South Africa and received an education in Africa to become a communications engineer and has moved to England in order to get a job during economically down times. He gets a teaching job at a lower class school filled with rowdy teenagers like Denham (Christian Roberts) and the charming yet mischievous Pamela Dare (Judy Geeson). He learns that the other teacher succumbed to the stress of teaching the delinquents and committed suicide in which the children celebrated their “victory”. However Mr. Thakeray does not plan to give up. After a immature and crude incident he then adopts a new style of teaching and treats all the students as if they were adults and at first the students are excited at their new founded freedom but then realize the responsibilities of being an adult. After the death of one student’s mother, the once horridly behaved students come together and realize they can be more than what they were born into, they are brought together and become a family, respecting and cherishing one another, they see their weaknesses and become adults.
The acting was not over the top or very poorly done, it was on the very thin line that is just right. Mr. Thakeray was greatly portrayed as a respectable gentleman and the students, although most of their crude language has been ripped from their vocabulary were very real and three dimensional. Even with the film’s low budget and small number of sets, the setting of the area was very clear to be an impoverished area. The costumes expertly fitted the people and teenagers of that time period and were not too expensive or inexpensive. The use of the theme song “To Sir, with Love” was placed at key points during the movie and helped move along the plot and the lyrics inadvertently told the story of the film.
This film was the perfect blend of everything good in film making, it kept you hooked from start to finish. The use of montages, cuts and important scenes made it hard to tear yourself away because you didn’t want to miss the next bit of it because if you didn’t you certainly would regret it. Sidney Poitier did a superb job as Mr. Thakeray and kept you emotionally involved in his journey to teach his students. This film is a must see no matter what genre you like, this will have you loving it from the moment it starts to when it is finished.
Struggle Icarus, Howl Valhalla, the God Speed You Mix
This week was for a lack of a mature and intellectual word "weird". The weirdest Prisoner episode ever involving cloning and identity theft, TWO STAC art days (I'm not complaining), box people drawing and the movie "To Sir, With Love" (It wasn't weird but what my mom told me was the weird part, apparently her friend went out with Sydney Poitier 25 years ago.) STAC really keeps me on my toes. I learned (in art that is) that details aren't always everything and you need to go down to the bare necessities and see the shape in things. I really enjoyed the movie but I will always love the Prisoner more. Maybe I should use "I am not a number, I am a free man" as my yearbook quote. Hmmmm. Decisions. I will write my movie review on a separate blog because I'm very busy at the moment. Be seeing you
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
That beautifully burning number 1 is 6 times the fiend you'd imagined!
While doing my psychology homework I started thinking about the Prisoner (who doesn't think about the prisoner now) and I was thinking about the identity of number 1. Is he this all knowing figure like Big Brother from 1984 or... is he the evil essence that lives inside each of the villagers, this would explain the Number 2 in the A, B and C's episode's fear for him because we fear nothing more than what lives inside of us. And also Number 1 can mean Number one's self. To show even more evidence if you look closely at the opening the place where Number 6 lives in London, it has the numeral 1 on the door. And with the iconic lines "Who is number 1?" There are two responses that are completely different when read the normal one which we all hear is "You are number 6." Which can be perceived as number 2 telling number 6 that he is indeed number 6, but the hidden meaning could be "You are, number 6." With the added comma number 6 has become number 1, a self image he is striving to compete against. I actually have to credit my hypothesis to Bobby who came up with the idea that The Village was just a mind game that Number 6 is playing on himself, a dream like in the A,B and C episode.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Surrounded by the melody of the sea breeze, writhe under my feet on a coral reef!
I feel like I just have been mind crushed (if you have ever seen Yu-Gi-Oh you would know what that means) by that Prisoner episode. This is what I picked up from it. Number 6 wanted Number 2's position so he may escape back to England so he may take his long deserved vacation. However Number 2 had other plans, he made it seem that number 6 had a fighting chance against 2 but in actuality it was fixed with the use of mind disorienting drugs and tests (I still did not know what the deal was with that square and circle). As soon as number 6 won favor amongst the villagers (which I find totally weird because out of the blue number 6 supporters spawned). And his foreign maid turned out to be the actual number 2 where the other number 2 was just a replacement. (Though we can't be entirely sure). And I think that egg thing in the cave was a new rover being made or something along those lines. It just really freaked me out but I love it so much.
Monday, September 27, 2010
My groggy self is an angel and you who crawl the earth, are a demon
... how should I start this. The game, it took over all of us, it changed us, caused us to link together in total fear for our "lives" (anyone who thought their life was in actual danger I apologize). This game showed how dark and treacherous we can truly be, Viviana turned into a blood thirsty monster and well I ain't exactly excluded from the whole dark transformation but you all know what I did so I don't need to explain myself. Though I believe that there were better ways to have gone about this, we still had lots of fun doing it. Today me and my group wrote a synopsis for a "The Prisoner" episode, which I thought was pretty hilarious considering. I looked for more symbolism with the circles and since we did robot children I was thinking of gears moving in a circular motion. We also made sure the ending reincorporated with the beginning like all good Prisoner episodes. It seems that the spy game and The Prisoner has become our existence. Heheh, it was nice game but it definitely is not for everyone. What do you think the disastrous effects that will ensue if "normal" kids play this game, madness will ensue I tell you
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Summer sonata comes to an end - A mad dog, the water boys , the legendary man cloaked in mystery
Ssssshhhhh That's the door to the library |
My cat is in that room. *sigh* |
This would be the entrance to my room... Yep, you could totally tell |
The door to my house's entrance |
The door to my garage |
The door to my pool If you saw the last post you would see the problem here |
The inside of my room |
The door to my patio |
The outside of my house |
The door from my mother's room |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Dance like you've prepared for the worst! A sunday battle fever.
So for my psychogeography pictures I've taken photos of light, objects and their shadows. So inside my house and around the neighborhood I saw how light was refracted and how objects affected how they looked. As I closely examined it, I never thought how ominous the shadows looked, it was as if there was a whole other world that existed in the shadows. It sent shivers down my spine, the cool kind that is.
So that's all of them. Light and shadows can be cool huh?
It's an evil tree I tell you, an evil tree! |
A table for four anybody? |
Many a bird (and idiot) have crashed into my near invisible glass door |
In order not to anger Luke I had to throw my cat out of there Poor poor Cleo |
They say there's a witch on Ridge Road, yep there totally is one |
That is all you're going to see of my room, unless you're a girl and ask nicely ;) |
Stop in the name of the... Sun? (Yah I'm out of witty phrases) |
After I threw my cat out of the barrel she jumped on the couch which I then threw her out of there as well. It's just not her day |
That tree almost looks creepy |
For a minute it looked like the light was on, weird huh? |
![]() |
Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV he is both light and darkness in one very very pretty boy |
And a picture of the person (sort of) who made me think of it
Monday, September 13, 2010
Is Cupid utterly devoid of manners?! A decisive Monday battle that sets hearts on fire
There is truly so much symbolism in the Prisoner it's not even funny, but that's what makes it so interesting. The circles, the weird blob balloon made of a celophane/kevlar material, the symbol of the village (the bicycle wheel), the greeting hand gesture and even the people walk in circles and how their clothes are stripes which circle around the body and one can even say the old general is circular (his body shape that is). No matter how much I think I understand the show it turns the tables on me so I'm dropped on my ass all the time. I really want to see it again, it's so fun to watch. I can't wait
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Does the Summer Bambina, The Former Angel, dream of cactus flowers as she steps out of her dress and flies into the flame?
Well after finding out the "proper" way to cheat we experimented with waters and the color theory. I haven't used water colors since elementary school which would be about seven years. Unfortunately I was not able to operate the brush correctly so I ended up botching up all the images (well no one is perfect I guess). Well overall I guess I had fun using the complementary colors to make the image stand out and I liked the idea to put them all on the door, they all turned out great, especially the ones with jokes and pop culture references (I couldn't resist making one myself). I hope there are more fun times to come. See you next time.
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