Gregg Goldston my workshop leader first saw Marcel Marceau in 1975 and wanted to become a mime since. He started his training at the Richmond Shepard Studio in Hollywood and then moved to Salt Lake City and combined his training with modern dance and ballet. For the next four years he opened his own mime studio and wrote, produced three solo mime performances and began his own tour in the Western States. The Goldston School for Mimes is a summer school that operates at Gambier Ohio. In 1986, Marcel Marceau his role model said "Goldston is creating the first generation of American Mimes." They shared a deep friendship yet maintained the master/disciple relationship.
It seems that he is a rather amazing person and I would really like to work with him especially after what Marcel Marceau said about him. It is an utter privilege to work with him so closely and I am thankful for this opportunity.