Sunday, October 24, 2010

Squirrels, Dogs and Swans oh my?

I have to say that was one of the greatest things I ever saw. The ballet that is. I loved how the dancers made their arms move like swan wings and the story was clear and understandable. It was about a prince who sought human contact and his mother, the only person who he wanted attention from wouldn't give him the time of day, she wouldn't allow him to touch her. Her life with him was only in public with the countless civilians looking at them, if there wasn't anyone else, she couldn't care less. When he finally makes contact with a young lady (by the way I totally did not see that cell phone bit coming) she turns out to be a prostitute, or at least a floozy. The prince then becomes depressed and sees the swans dance and suddenly he is not a prince or even a pauper, he is equal to the swans and he suddenly regains his confidence. However at the royal ball he is completely emasculated by this mysterious man (who I thought was the swan king because he drew a black line on his face) and then spirals down the path to insanity. He then dies from the loneliness welling up inside him and he is reunited with his psyche, his inner self, the Swan King who was devoured by the Swans who seemingly became vultures. I just loved this trip and I will never get this ballet out of my head. I can't wait for the next trip.

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