Tuesday, March 29, 2011

STAC anti-bullying campaign

Finally, I've been waiting for this, those T.V studio commercials are loads upon loads of bullocks. Now for a meaningful and powerful commercial about bullying.... Well I haven't thought of one yet but it will come. I've had a hard time with bullies when I was a kid. I was always told, stand up for yourself, don't start a fight but you should certainly end it. So if a kid bothered me and pushed me around on the playground in elementary school what was my first response. Punch them in the face of course. However instead of being rewarded for stopping the bully I got sent to the principal's office and had to be isolated from the entire school for two days like an elementary version of an in-school suspension, though it wasn't called that. So obviously no one learned because as soon as I went back to school, the bullying restarted and the cycle continues itself (I was really destructive as a child). But why did they dislike me? Why did I always get in trouble. It was probably because I was an ADHD special ed kid with a vivid imagination while the bully was always some soon to be athlete with the most friends because he can run fast or throw a ball around. Yep, even at the age of seven we can be stereotyped. I remember one time one of the kid's mother came in and wanted me thrown out because she thought her kid was so innocent (when clearly he wasn't because the worse he bullied me, the more pain I dished out). My mother wasn't there so instead my closest friend's mother came (who by the way allowed me to continue my martial arts lessons behind my mother's back because she didn't want me to 'engage in any violent behavior'). And listening to the mother's story my friend's mother, named Racine, walked over to the bully's mom and slapped her across the face claiming "That's a bunch of bull." And told everyone at the meeting that I am not capable of bullying people. So I grew up with the bad luck of not having justice being done to the bullies. So this is our chance to shine. Bullies should never win.

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